
Project : BMX Park at Area 37 Landfill Site, Kwai Chung

為配合2009年東亞運動會小輪車比賽,香港特別行政區政府撥出葵青區修復後醉酒灣堆填區地段,經康樂及文化事務署等政府部門協助下,獲香港賽馬會 慈善信託基金冠名贊助,撥款興建香港賽馬會國際小輪車場(“小輪車場”) 。小輪車場於2009年10月31日正式落成啟用,由中國香港單車聯會管理,以收費形式開放給公眾使用。


  • 350米國際標准小輪車賽道(附設起步閘及觀眾席)及60米小輪車訓練賽道各一
  • 小輪車場辦事處
  • 活動室
  • 單車儲存室
  • 小輪車商品專門店
  • 小賣部
  • 更衣室
  • 停車場

地址: 香港新界葵涌醉酒灣葵喜街91號

HKJC International BMX Park

The Hong Kong Jockey Club International BMX Park (“BMX Park”) is situated at the lower platform of the restored Gin Drinkers Bay Landfill in Kwai Tsing District. With the generous support from the Government of the HKSAR, the LCSD and other Government departments, the BMX Park was built, with the funding from the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, and turned into the venue for the BMX event of the East Asian Games 2009. Open to the public on 31st Oct 2009. it has been managed by the Cycling Association of Hong Kong, China Limited (“the Association”) ever since.

BMX Park occupies an area of 39,200 square meters. The International BMX Racing Track in the BMX Park is the first and the only graded venue for BMX racing in Hong Kong. The BMX courses organized by the CAHK provide the public with ample and convenient opportunity to enjoy BMX racing under the guidance of qualified coaches and adequate equipment.

  • A 350 meter International BMX Racing Track (with Starting Gate and audience stand) and a 60 meter Development BMX Racing Track
  • BMX Park Office
  • Common room
  • Bicycle Storage Room
  • BMX Bike Pro Shop
  • Snack Shop
  • Changing rooms, and
  • Car parking area

Address: No. 91, Kwai Hei Street, Gin Drinkers Bay, Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong

Project : Proposed planned maintenance 2012 for old Ping Shan Police Station

屏山鄧族文物館 暨文物徑訪客中心


Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre

Ping Shan Heritage Trail
Established in 1993 by the Antiquities and Monuments Office (AMO) with the full support of the Ping Shan Tang clan, the Ping Shan Heritage Trail (Trail) takes visitors to various historic buildings linked by a convenient walking route. The AMO and the clan collaborated again in 2007 to open the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery cum Heritage Trail Visitors Centre (Centre), which introduces local folk culture and heritage along the Trail.

The Centre is housed in the Old Ping Shan Police Station, which was originally built in 1900 and the three buildings of which have now been converted into the Ping Shan Tang Clan Gallery, the Gallery of Ping Shan Heritage Trail and the Community Heritage Gallery.
Address: Hang Tau Tsuen, Ping Shan, Yuen Long, New Territories

Project : Roof Repair and Drainage Works at Morrison Building 2013-14 Hoh Fuk Tong. Tuen Mun

屯門青山公路新墟段何福堂 — 香港法定古蹟
位於屯門何福堂會所內的馬禮遜樓建於一九三六年,是抗日名將十九路軍軍長蔡廷鍇將軍(1892-1968)別墅一部分。一九四六年至一九四九年間,該別墅 被用作達德學院的校舍。達德學院是在周恩來和董必武指示下創辦,多位當時著名的中國學者均曾在此講學。學院培育了不少年青知識份子。建築物見証了香港在近 代中國歷史和中華人民共和國建國史中所扮演的獨特角色。


Hoh Fuk Tong Centre, Castle Peak Road (San Hui Section), Tuen Mun

— Declared Monuments in Hong Kong

The Morrison Building in the Hoh Fuk Tong Centre in Tuen Mun was originally part of a villa built in 1936 by General Cai Tingkai (1892-1968) of the Nineteenth Route Army, a force renowned for its brave resistance against the Japanese invasion. From 1946 to 1949, the Morrison Building was used for tertiary education by the Dade Institute, founded on the directive of Chinese leaders Zhou Enlai and Dong Biwu, and many eminent Chinese academics of the time lectured at the institute, nurturing a group of young intellectuals. The building stands witness to the unique role played by Hong Kong in the history of modern China and the establishment of the People’s Republic of China.

Designed in an Art Deco style, rendered with Shanghai plaster and featuring a green glazed Chinese tiled hipped roof decorated with dragon-shaped ornaments at four corners, the Morrison Building presents a harmonious blend of Chinese and Western architectural characteristics that are relatively rare in this combination.

中環花園道聖約翰座堂 – 法定古蹟 – 古物古蹟辦事處

而建於十九世紀的舊禮堂,則由一九一八至一九二十年間興建的李堂所取代。日佔時期(一九四一至一九四五年),聖約翰座堂仍用作禮拜堂,但後來改為日本人會所,因而遭受破壞,戰後旋即重開,並得到逐步復修。 聖約翰座堂以青磚及石材建成。從座堂的尖頂拱、呈肋形線條的構件和幾何圖形鐵楞



聖約翰座堂於一八四七年三月十一日由當時的香港總督戴維斯爵士奠基,建築工程於一八四九年完成。座堂原本設計為牧區教堂和英軍駐防軍聖堂,鄰近美利兵房及 操場。一八七三年,座堂擴建為十字形的建築物,而建於十九世紀的舊禮堂,則由一九一八至一九二十年間興建的李堂所取代。日佔時期(一九四一至一九四五 年),聖約翰座堂仍用作禮拜堂,但後來改為日本人會所,因而遭受破壞,戰後旋即重開,並得到逐步復修。

聖約翰座堂以青磚及石材建成。從座堂的尖頂拱、呈肋形線條的構件和幾何圖形鐵楞窗花格等裝飾特色,可見建築設計受英國早期及中期哥德式風格的影響。塔樓上 的垛口式女兒牆和角塔,是座堂曾用作駐防軍聖堂的佐證。較為低矮的塔樓,以花崗石條鑲邊;百葉窗和可開啟的三葉草及四葉草形窗,都是為適應香港亞熱帶氣候 而採用的設計。平滑的外牆於一九三四年改以粗灰泥批盪。

地址 : 中環花園道四至八號 (圖則)

St. John’s Cathedral (4-8 Garden Road, Central)

— Declared Monuments in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Island
St. John’s Cathedral (4-8 Garden Road, Central)
Built in 1849, St. John’s Cathedral, the mother church and cathedral of the Anglican Diocese of Hong Kong Island, is the oldest surviving Western Christian ecclesiastical building in Hong Kong.

The foundation stone of St. John’s Cathedral was laid by the then Governor Sir John Davis on 11 March 1847, and construction was completed in 1849. Originally intended as a parish church also to be used by the British Army garrison, the cathedral was sited near Murray Barracks and the Parade Ground. It was extended in 1873, giving the building its cruciform shape. Li Hall was constructed between 1918 and 1921, replacing an earlier hall from the 19th century. During the Japanese Occupation (1941-1945), the Cathedral continued as a place of worship, but was later converted into a Japanese clubhouse, which caused damage to the building. It was reopened immediately after the war and gradually restored.

St. John’s Cathedral is a grey-brick and stone structure in the Early English and Decorated Gothic style, which finds expression in lancet arches, ribbed course lines and geometrical bar window tracery. The former role of the Cathedral as a garrison church is indicated by the crenellated parapet on the tower and flanking turrets. The comparatively short tower with granite course binding, the use of window shutters and the adoption of opening trefoil and quatrefoil windows reflect the adaptation of European Gothic architecture to Hong Kong’s sub-tropical climate. The smooth external walls were resurfaced in roughcast in 1934.
St. John’s Cathedral
Address : 4-8 Garden Road, Central


受助人: 聖士提反書院



在衞奕信勳爵文物信託的資助下,書院推行文物館展覽裝置及文物保育計劃,旨在活化書院的歷史建築及保育歷史文物。書院擁有的過百件文物見證 香港近百年的發展,甚具歷史價值,須以專業方式保存及維修。此外,在不改動原有建築結構的情形下,3號屋及4號屋改建為文物館和教育中心。文物館每月均會 定期對外開放,由聖士提反書院的學生負責接待及提供導賞服務。


St Stephen’s College Heritage Gallery – Exhibition and Heritage Conservation

Grantee: St Stephen’s College

Brief Description of the Project

St. Stephen’s College is steeped in history. During the Japanese Occupation, the College was an internment camp where the St Stephen’s College Massacre took place. Its campus is an important historic site that bears witness to the history of Japanese Occupation.

Some campus buildings, such as the School House, have been listed as declared monument or grade 2-3 historic buildings. Few local schools have as many historic buildings as the College does. In 2008, the College established a heritage trail by linking all of its historic buildings, making it the only secondary school in Hong Kong that has a heritage trail within the campus.

Bungalows 3 and 4 are typical colonial period single storey houses built around the time when the College was founded in Stanley. These bungalows were originally used as senior staff quarters. Each bungalow has a gross floor area of about 2,200 square feet, and is divided into two large sitting halls and four bedrooms. There are also a storage room, a kitchen and a bathroom.

With the funding support of the Lord Wilson Heritage Trust, the College implemented the “St. Stephen’s College Heritage Gallery – Exhibition and Heritage Conservation” project to revitalise its historic buildings and showcase over a hundred historical artefacts that require professional storage and maintenance. These artefacts are vital to our understanding of the history of Hong Kong’s development over the last century. The College converted the two bungalows into a Heritage Gallery and a Heritage Learning Annex without making any structural alteration to the original building. The Heritage Gallery opens to the public on a regular basis every month with guided tours provided by trained student docents of the College.

Related Link(s)
St Stephen’s College

Under CDH – Interior Design and decoration works ( Minor works )


1) 香港荷李活華庭 A 座 2x /F., A 室之室內設計及裝修工程
2) 香港淺水灣道3號1x樓B室 之 室內設計及裝修工程
3) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Office at Room 14 , 2x/F., Cable TV Tower
4) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Lo Hong Ka at Shop 319A, Maritime Square
5) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Challenger car detailing service at Kowloon Station Car park, No. 208-211
6) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Challenger car detailing service at Hong Kong Station Car park, No. S01-S04


1) Interior Design & Decoration work at Flat B, 27/F., Block 3, Double Cove, Ma On Shan
2) 擎天半島第一座7x/F., E室 之室內設計及裝修工程
3) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Office at Room A, 2x/F., Tai Yau Building, HK
4) 亨特利控股有限公司力寶太陽廣場314室 之寫字樓室內改裝工程


1) 新鴻基中心 80x-8xx室 之寫字樓室內設計及裝修工程
2) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Office at 1x/F., Wincome Centre, Central
3) Interior Design and Decoration work at Room F, 1x/F., Block 5, Maywood Court, Kingswood Villas, Tin Shui Wai ( Photo submitted )
4) Interior Design and Decoration work at Flat C, 1x/F., Winsome Park, 42 Conduit Road


1) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Office at x/F., Wincome Centre, Central
2) Design and installation of Carpark signage and Company Logo at Siu On Centre

Under Hop Yuen Construction Ltd. – A&A works


1) Interior Design & Fitting Out work for Washroom Renovation Works at 482 Jaffe Road, Cigna Tower, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong.
2) 香港跑馬地 山光道 20 號 紀雲峰 2x D 裝飾工程


1) Alteration to Sewer Connection at Patrick Manson Building, 5-7 Sassoon Road, The University of Hong Kong ( Under construction )( Photo submitted )
2) Interior Design and Decoration work at G/F., Lobby of Siu On Centre, 188 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. ( Under construction ) )( Photo submitted )

Under Hop Yuen Construction Ltd. – Minor works


1) 九龍塘對衡道9號〝A〞屋外牆雲石翻新及保護工程 –